Portfolio Update: Mad Hatter's Ball
•Posted on January 28 2015

Through much deliberation, I’ve concluded that there is no better way to start a blog, at the start of a new year, than beginning with an amazing and recently completed project. I had the luxary of working with a group of fantastic people who were one or a combination of three C’s: Creative, Connected, and Concerned. These “Cs” turned out to be a powerful combination for the Museum of Contemporary Art Jacksonville as we worked to produce an epic annual New Year’s Eve party.
The young professional’s group called The Contemporaries was scheming for months on how to do diligence to the theme “Mad Hatter’s Ball” based on Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland as well as rally enough support from Jacksonville locals to make the big ideas possible. Through generous sponsorship and a team of incredible hardworkers, we made it a huge success. It took many creatives to ideate, communicate and produce this vision; a group of connected individuals who were able to find people to make it happen; and finally so many concerned natives that were willing to donate their time to highlight the cultural resource that is MOCA.