Word-of-the-Year 2018
•Posted on January 29 2018
If you follow me, by now you know my word for the year is "reset."
I'm very excited for what 2018 will bring to my business and family. I hope to make decisions in my business remembering the word I chose to guide me throughout the year.
I don’t need more or bigger or new —I just want to focus on better. This is not a year of pitching, searching or starting fresh (I hope!!) but one where I use my non-client time in MALWEST to grease the hinges of my business. By that handy metaphor I mean refinement. I want to get back to my core values and apply avenues to uphold them moving forward.
RESET defined:
To set again or differently
- to move (something) back to an original place or position
- : to put (a broken bone) back in the correct position for healing
- : to put (a gem) into a new piece of jewelry
So often we are pressed for time and have to make a snap decision on programs we use or subscriptions we sign up for. This year I want to re-examine and choose the best options after more research. Things may run efficiently but there may be an even better way—as business owners there is no one over our shoulder telling us what is right or best so I want to take the time and figure it out for me and my biz.
Questions I'll ask myself:
How am I spending my time and energy?
How can I make little things better— processes?
What is important to me? Not just what is in right now or trending.
Do you or your business have a word of the year? Any helpful ways to keep it top of mind all year long?