Word of the Year 2019
•Posted on January 03 2019

I’ve been trying to make time to contemplate my 2019 word of the year but this has been such a busy end of year for us! After forcing myself to pause and look back on my last words-of-the-year I realized how important it was to choose a word and choose one with intention. It turned out to be very fortuitous to have 2018’s word be “reset.” Sticking to it was sometimes a challenge but having it, especially mid year, as a guide for some decision making was very helpful. I wanted to reset a lot of the foundations in my business and life for that matter, since so many things in my life were changing (a new baby, a shift in my business, and new desires for a work-life balance). Turns out I also needed a ‘reset’ to tidy up my life because I would be preparing for ANOTHER baby! It has been quite the year for setting new ground work on all fronts and I’m glad to feel like I’m starting out strong.
My 2019 will bring a lot of hurdles so I want a word that I can frequently look back on to keep myself on track and answer any looming doubts on 'is this the right time for such and such.' I’ve decided my word for 2019 is *Present.* I want to be truly present in all the work and projects I take on while still being present for my family and every milestone we encounter. I don’t want to lose sight of any special moments in my daughter's (or son's😳) young life because I am helping someone else prepare for their special moment. Additionally, I don't want to lose myself and what is important for me to do and build during this time when I know my babies won't be little forever and I'll need to have things of my own.
You might be wondering HOW I'm planning to stay present. I admit I haven't totally figured that out yet for every turn but I think just recognizing the necessity is the first step. I'll be checking in with myself every month to be sure the decisions I'm making are staying true to my word and philosophy for the year. I still want to make goals but goals on my terms. I hope I won't be afraid to quit something or pass on an opportunity if it isn't aligning.
A few personal goals:
- Read Present over Perfect- I hear its great and this seems like the perfect time to give it a try.
- Reassess my podcasts- I love podcasts but a few are becoming a distraction. Sometimes I feel I need to listen through to the end even if I'm not interested so I want to get rid of that pressure.
- Collaborate- I'm not sure how I'm going to do this this year but I'm enjoying brainstorming and hope to seek out some cool opportunities.
- Continue to engage locally / in person- It takes some additional effort but I think it is so important to keep up with friends/people in the biz and my best way to do that is in person. I just can't replace or come close any other way.
I'm excited for all the juggling that will be going on this year and to see where it takes me. I definitely plan to let things happen more organically than try to force too much on myself during a year filled with some many adjustments to be made.